Dec 13, 2008

Are We Blind?

Hello friends and family,

I count it a great privilege to be here in Mozambique and see what God is doing first-hand in this country. It's great to see many miracles, but more impacting for me has been the living testimonies I've come in contact with. I have had the chance to spend some quality time with a few of the children here who's lives have been radically touched by God's love. They have stories you wouldn't believe of hunger, hardship, despair, and redemption. Many of these once ragged street children are now beaming with the love of Jesus.

One child who I've spent some time with is named Crispen. This guy is 17 years old and for the last few years he's been having Ezekiel-like heavenly encounters where among other things scriptures straight out of the Bible have been downloaded by divine revelation. There are other children with similar stories and life-changing supernatural experiences. I feel very honored to be among these children who have so little by the world's standards yet are madly in love with their Savior. Their lives provoke me to become more poor in spirit and rich towards the things of God.

The other day Heidi told our class in tears that she had just learned that Iris' three-year-old primary school had just received the best test-score ratings in the Cabo-Delgado province. In the three years since its inception, this school has suffered considerable government opposition along with Iris' many other projects. However, the Gospel is powerful and little by little hearts are won by Jesus' unconditional love.

I just finished my last required book for the missions school, "The Hungry Always Get Fed" by Rolland and Heidi. It's a blog book full of stories of what God is doing here in Mozambique. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. In the book Heidi shares an amazing story which she shared with our class a few days back.

To make a long story short (get the book and read it!), the first three blind people that Heidi saw healed were named "Mama Aida ('Mama Heidi' in Portuguese--a very rare Mozambican name)." After the third woman was healed, God spoke to Heidi and showed her that she was really the one who was blind and that He wanted to open her eyes and the eyes of the Western church.

Much Love,
