Nov 4, 2008

Back in Pemba

(pic: on the way home to Pemba, push starting a "camiao")

Hey all!

We're all back in Pemba and God has been really blessing me the last few days. I led worship for the first time last night for our evening class (we have a rotation of worship leaders within the school set up). It was a great time and God really showed up strong. It was the best class meeting I've had thus far. Supresa Sithole's wife, Traphina shared with us and it was AMAZING. God is really doing some awesome stuff in my heart, which has been the highlite thus far for me. Shara Prahdin (Heidi Baker's personal assistant) has been teaching most of the classes up to this point, it's all been amazing.

After traveling clear accross the nation (to Beira) by road, it is wonderful to see the tangible impact this ministry (Iris) is having on this country. There are Iris churches it seems everywhere. And we were just seeing the ones along the road. On the way home we camped at one of the Iris "bush churches" which was a great experience. We arrived after dark and were greeted by a mass of gleefully screaming children. The children immediately began corporately singing us songs and dancing. We got out of the trucks and joined them for probably 15 minutes. They just kept singing and dancing overwhelmed with joy.

I went surfing a couple days ago with my roomate Ben from England. He brought a full length long board (over 9'). With his help I was able to ride twice! It was great fun. I've been feeling a bit sick (with a cold), but getting much better today. Please keep me in your prayers for health and encounters with God.

Today's election day and we have all been interceding for America (all 21 nations represented here). There is a tremendous awareness of the critical hour we are living in globally. God's kingdom is coming to earth!!



Elizabeth said...

Awesome! We will keep you in our prayers, Levi. Hugs from Home!

Reggae-Rob said...

Bro, you're awesome and a great encouragement! Fire of God, grace, mercy, abundant life, love, His fullness, double favor, all fall on you in His Name! I love you man and have been missing you. You're covered with prayers back in La Grande and I hope to see you soon! Let me know if you're going to India by the way! Blessings to you!