Oct 25, 2008

Miracles in Mozambique

Greetings from South Mozambique. We've been doing a conference down here and it's been amazing. It was a three day ride from Pemba in the back of flat bed trucks. We had three truck loads of 30 people. It's a common mode of transport around here. We spent anywhere from 12 to 18 hours each day crammed in the back of these trucks. Fortunately, the roads weren't too bad. Nonetheless, it was truly a "baptism of fire" ;-). The team leaders figured it would be a good way to kick off the school--bonding time. We definately got pretty intimate as a group on the way down, as we were like sardines in the back of the trucks.

The conference has been amazing. There have been numerous salvations, healings, deliverances, and other incredible miracles. We've seen 3 or 4 deaf people hearing and 1 blind guy totally healed. There's been major deliverances from demons almost every night thus far. The church that is putting this conference on is amazing. We've also been doing street evangelism which has been way fun.

Love and Blessings!


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

God Bless you Levi! I finally found your blog, as I thought it was "burning for Jesus" instead of burn for Jesus. I am glad to hear that God is moving mightily. We are believing that God is moving here too, in this intest election season. Keep us up on the wonderful things that are happinging. It is encouraging to hear what adventures you and God are up to. Be blessed!